
Healthy Benefits of Jipang (Siam Squash) and Its Side Effects for Body and Beauty | Siamese Pumpkin

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Jipang is another name that originates from Central Java, namely pumpkin siam. But indeed not everyone knows the name Jipang. Because the name that is better known in the community, in general, is pumpkin siam. About this plant has a green color on the skin. Pumpkin has the Latin name Sechium edule Sw. This plant was first discovered in 1756 in Jamaica. And thanks to the ancient trade, the squash turned out to be suitable with the topic area and can be cultivated here. So if you want to find jipang vegetables, you don't have to bother to import it first.
Chayote has the shape of a pear fruit but has a green color. Some studies have found that squash is a green vegetable that has many nutrients needed by the body. Siamese squash is a vegetable that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is still a family with cucumbers, and pumpkin. The scientific name for Siamese squash is Sechium Edule.

Pumpkin is a type of vegetable that can be processed according to taste. But basically many squash vegetables are made as curry. This is because the taste of vegetables is very delicious. When made as a vegetable, this chayote plant has soft meat when chewed and is suitable for Indonesian tongues. So many people are looking for this squash to make vegetables. Apart from that, it turns out that pumpkin is also rich in benefits.

Well, this time I will share the article with you all about the benefits and efficacy of jipang (pumpkin siam) for the body ..

Healthy benefits of Jipang (Siamese Pumpkin) for the body

Treating Cancer

Cancer is a health problem caused by the development of abnormal cells in the body. As a result, the function of organs in the body becomes abnormal and cannot work properly. Cancer is the number two killer in Indonesia. Almost all cancer patients find it difficult to cure if they have entered the fourth stage. Unlike cancer that is more quickly detected, it can be treated with the help of natural herbs such as jipang. Jipang can overcome the newly discovered cancer and prevent the spread of cancer at once in the body.

Reducing cholesterol

Cholesterol is a clear liquid in the body that is useful for protecting the heart in a normal amount. If the amount of excess cholesterol in the body that is there will make the heart unhealthy. Cholesterol is the same as food for the heart. Preventing high cholesterol and also reducing cholesterol levels in the body can be done by eating jipang vegetables. It's a good idea to process it into juice that can be drunk twice a day.

Treating Gout

Gout is a health problem associated with pain in the joints of the body. Gout attacks a lot of old age. Pain due to gout can also make it difficult for sufferers to carry out daily activities. To deal with gout you can choose to deal with herbal ingredients. The herbal ingredients are jipang. Jipang can be peeled and then wash with clean water. Next in a blender until smooth and pour in a container that is wide enough. Add water and squeeze - squeeze for a while and then filter to separate the pulp and water. If you have poured it in a glass, then drink it.

Treating Kidney Disease

The kidneys in the body number in pairs and are located on the right and left side. Kidney function in the body is to filter out toxins and remove them along with urine. The kidneys can be disrupted if the kidneys work too much in the body. Then small habits can also make the kidneys damaged like holding urine. Jipang is believed to be able to treat kidney pain naturally. You can use this juice from jipang to treat kidney pain.

Treating Diabetes

Diabetes is a high blood sugar level. Characteristics of diabetes begin with frequent urination at night, often feeling hungry and thirsty and if a wound occurs it is difficult to heal. For diabetics, it is forbidden to eat foods that are rich in sugar. This is because it can increase blood sugar levels. To normalize blood sugar levels again, you can try to drink these herbs from jipang every day.

Lose weight

Siamese squash like pumpkin - another pumpkin, is a slice that contains very low calories. Siamese squash only contains 16 calories in every 100 grams. Besides, as can be seen in the table of nutrient content above, chayote does not contain saturated fat and cholesterol at all. Chayote also contains high fiber. So, from these factors that make chayote a recommended food ingredient for those who are looking to lose weight.

Prevent Birth Babies from Disabilities

Siamese squash is a vegetable that also has a B complex which is quite a good Folate. Its folate content is 93 µg in 100 grams of Siamese squash, equivalent to 23% of the recommended folate requirement. Folate itself is very much needed in the process of cell division, so in pregnant women, folate helps the growth of the fetus and avoids babies from nerve defects.

Prevent Premature Aging

Siamese squash is a vegetable with a good flavonoid content. Flavonoids in chayote can help the body to fight harmful substances such as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which are derivatives of oxygen but are reactive so they can harm the body, and free radicals cause premature aging and other dangerous diseases.

Prevent constipation

By adding squash to the food menu, this means we also add the fiber intake that our body needs. The fiber will help facilitate the digestive process in the body so that it can prevent constipation.

Reducing High Blood Pressure

Consuming chayote is believed to be able to reduce high blood pressure. This has been proven by a study conducted at Purdue University. In the study, chayote was used as a tea or consumed in the form of drinks, and the results were proven to reduce blood pressure.

Prevent Heart Disease

Siamese squash contains many essential vitamins which are very useful for body health.

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