The benefits of green tea for the Health Corps have been criticized for several centuries before. Research conducted over the past decades shows that green tea contains antioxidants, can prevent cancer, are good for heart health, it also helps to keep the weight.
Green tea comes from the plant species Camellia sinensis. This drink originated from China. Green tea can be served in a state of heat, cold, mixed honey, or turned into an unsweetened brewed tea. Not only is a delicious drink, but you can also reap the benefits of green tea from various nutrients contained in it.
The content and benefits of green tea are good for the body
One of the benefits of green tea is good for the body comes from high his antioxidant content. The antioxidant itself has used in the fight against free radicals in the body. Excess free radicals can damage the body's cells, which can lead to premature aging and cause disease, such as cancer.
Other advantages of the green Tea catechins compound are contained therein. Catechins compounds in green tea have a good impact in stopping oxidative damage in the body's cells. Green tea also contains B vitamins, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine.
Benefits of green tea for health
The benefits of green tea in the fight against disease no one has fully proven to be strong. However, there is no harm in consuming green tea on a regular basis and in a reasonable portion to maintain health. Some of the benefits of green tea that is supposed to be acquired from the body if the Mengonsumsinya routine is:
Reduce the risk of cholesterol and high heart disease
One study concluded that green tea is good for lowering levels of bad cholesterol and being able to raise good cholesterol levels. The results of another study said that polyphenols in green tea likely to block cholesterol absorbed both help to get rid of it.
One study concluded that green tea is good for lowering levels of bad cholesterol and being able to raise good cholesterol levels. The results of another study said that polyphenols in green tea likely to block cholesterol absorbed both help to get rid of it.
Several other studies have concluded that antioxidants in green tea have the ability to effectively prevent the appearance of constricting blood vessels, especially in coronary artery disease.
Against cancer cells
The researchers show that polyphenols have a role to play in helping to kill cancer cells and to stop the growth of the disease. On the experiment in the laboratory and in animals, the content of polyphenols in green tea proves to be able to reduce tumor growth.
The researchers show that polyphenols have a role to play in helping to kill cancer cells and to stop the growth of the disease. On the experiment in the laboratory and in animals, the content of polyphenols in green tea proves to be able to reduce tumor growth.
For women, consume green tea on a regular basis the possibility of being able to reduce their risk of developing ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Unfortunately, still need extensive and in-depth research on the effects of green tea on cancer.
Preventing diabetes
Green tea has a good influence observed diabetes disease. Research shows that the benefits of green tea can improve insulin performance as well as help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Green tea has a good influence observed diabetes disease. Research shows that the benefits of green tea can improve insulin performance as well as help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Lose weight
A clinical trial has shown that green tea is beneficial in burning fat and increase body metabolism. The researchers emphasized the catechin contained in green tea as an ingredient responsible for the burning of body fat. But the studies on this myself still not significant and still need additional evidence.
A clinical trial has shown that green tea is beneficial in burning fat and increase body metabolism. The researchers emphasized the catechin contained in green tea as an ingredient responsible for the burning of body fat. But the studies on this myself still not significant and still need additional evidence.
Stabilizing blood pressure
A research study has shown that those who regularly consume green tea appear to have lower blood pressure levels and are controlled than those who seldom eat green tea. However, the results of these studies still need to be determined by other research.
A research study has shown that those who regularly consume green tea appear to have lower blood pressure levels and are controlled than those who seldom eat green tea. However, the results of these studies still need to be determined by other research.
A note is not only food or beverage that can protect a person from the disease. Even if we get the benefits of green tea with drinking every day, everything will be futile if our lifestyle remains bad. Therefore, do not count entirely on a type of health catch, but still monitors its diet, regular exercise, enough sleep, and managing your stress levels as well.